American Slang Dictionary Pdf Free Download

100+ American Slang words list with meaning and sentences.  Here all the most common and daily conversational slangs words of USA are listed. Moreover their meanings and example sentences are also listed along with slang words.

What are Slang Words?

The slang words are basically informal language words that are not included in standard or formal language. These are the words spoken by native and friends in group discussion. Sometimes there is no meaning of slang words but they are used in our native conversation.

American Slang words list with meaning and sentences

Slang words with A, B, C

ASAP: stands for 'as soon as possible'

Around-the-clock: 24/7

Ace – Pass a test with 100%.

A turn off – Something that's repulsive.

A blast – A very fun event.

By the skin of your teeth: just barely

Busted – Caught doing something wrong

Bummer– A disappointment

Buck – One dollar

Bro: a friend

Booze – Alcohol

Bomb – Really good

Blue or Have the Blues: to feel depressed or sad

Blow or Bomb: to fail or to be unsuccessful

Beat– Tired

B-Ball: often used to abbreviate basketball

Bail – To leave abruptly.

Babe – Your significant other

Crash: to go to sleep

Crash – To fall asleep quickly

Cram: to study feverishly before an exam.

Cram – To study a lot before an exam

Couch Potato: a lazy person,

Couch potato – A lazy person

Cool (adj.): nice

Chicken – Coward

Chick – A girl or young woman

Cheesy– Silly

Cheesy (adj.): Cheap

Cash (n.): money

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american slang words

american slang words list

american slang words list

USA Slang words with D, E, F, G

Dutch or go Dutch: each person pays for his/her own meal

Dump – To end a romantic relationship with someone.

Drive up the wall: to irritate

Ditch – To skip an event.

Dead: Empty

Ex – An old relationship or spouse

Epic – Grand or awesome

FYI: acronym "for your information"

Freebie – Something that is free.

Flick – A movie

Flakey– Indecisive

Grub – Food

Give the cold shoulder: ignore

Getting hitched – Getting married

Get under one's skin: bother

Conversational slang words

Hyped (adj.): Really excited.

Hot– Attractive

Hold your horses: Wait a minute!

Hit the road: to leave.

Hit the books: study.

Hip: cool, popular.

Have a crush – Attracted to someone romantically

Hang out: to gather in a casual;

Hang out – To spend time with others

It sucked – It was bad/poor quality

It is what it is: it's a fact that cannot be changed.

In no time: Very soon.

In no time – Very soon.

I'm down – I'm able to join

I get it – I understand. Eg.

I feel you: I understand/empathize with you

I feel you – I understand and empathize with you

Jonesing: to want something badly.

Jacked: really strong

LOL: Text acronym for 'laugh out loud'

Lighten up – Relax

Lighten up (v.): To relax


Lame– The opposite of cool or fantastic

Laid back – Relaxed or calm

My Bad: my fault or my mistake.

My bad – My mistake.

No worries – That's alright.

No problem: you're welcome,

Native american Slang

Once in a blue moon: infrequently

On the hour: an idiom for at every hour exactly

OMG: Text acronym for 'oh my god'.

Put up a front: trying to act/appear tough

Pig out – To eat a lot

Piece of cake: easy or effortless.

Pass the buck: transfer responsibility to someone else.

Party animal – One who loves parties.

Ripped– Very physically fit

Rip-off: overcharge.

Rip-off – A purchase that was very overpriced.

Ride shotgun (v.): To ride in the front passenger seat of a car.

Recap: to state something again

R.S.V.P.: Stands for a French phrase,

Sweet – Fantastic.

Spill the beans: reveal a secret.

Snagged/Nabbed: to take something without asking or slyly

Sick – Awesome. Eg. "Those shoes are sick!"

Show up – Arrive at an event.

Shotgun – The front seat of a car.

Shoot the breeze: casual conversation.

Shady– Questionable or suspicious

Shades – Sunglasses.

See ya: goodbye

Screw up – To make a mistake

Screw up (v.): To make a mistake

Score: to get something you want.

Score – To get something desirable

Same here – I agree.

Trash (v.): To destroy. "The band trashed the hotel room."

They got fired – They lost their job.

The bomb: if something

That hit the spot: (When talking about food/drinks)

Take for granted: to assume.

Take a rain-check: do at another time.

Wrap up (v.): To finish

Whiz – A really smart person.

What's up? -Hey; what are you doing?

You bet: of course or no problem.

You bet – Certainly; you're welcome.

american slang words

american slang words

american slang words

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